New businesses often struggle with electrical estimation. It can be due to a lack of experience and expertise. Submitting proposals and bidding are simple but complex processes. Indeed with time, you will improve these skills, but that’s not the way to rapid development nowadays.

The digital world offers many innovative solutions. One option that you can choose is electrical estimating software. The automation software can help you ace these skills quicker. However, it doesn’t mean that traditional estimating methods are ineffective. Let’s have a better understanding of this matter.

Traditional Estimating Challenges?

When estimating expenses, estimators must take several things into account. Before beginning the laborious process of estimating a job, estimators consult historical data. It helps to assess whether the task will be worth the time and effort required to create an estimate.

It typically isn’t worthwhile to submit a bid for the task if the crew doesn’t have the right experience. However, estimators will use this information to produce estimates for the future. Once they locate a work or project that will profit the business.


Estimators must consider overhead costs when creating estimates. It is one of the major expenditures that must be included in the bid. All of the job’s indirect expenses are included in overhead costs. This includes rent, taxes, phone bills, utilities, marketing, insurance, and other charges.
For the business to be able to keep the lights on, overhead must be taken into account for every project.


Materials required by the electrical contractors for a project are known as takeoffs. There are various methods the estimator can use to calculate the takeoffs. It depends on their electrical equipment and experience.
While some estimators utilise estimating tools to calculate the right takeoffs. But some perform manual takeoffs from designs and drawings. Takeoffs must be as precise as feasible. Estimators should stick to caution to avoid ordering insufficient materials. Otherwise, it will force electrical contractors to file a change order.

Labour Costs

The third component of electrical estimating is labour expenses. The method estimators use to calculate labour costs might vary depending on the size of a firm. For instance, smaller businesses frequently utilise their prior work experience. This way, they estimate the number of hours required for current projects.
However, this strategy isn’t ideal for larger businesses. This process can be imprecise and has a greater opportunity for error. Instead, many larger businesses opt to calculate labour expenses using labour units. This way, they determined how long it takes to install each component.

End All Your Worries With Electrical Estimating Software

  • The accuracy provided by the software is impeccable and precise. It doesn’t leave any room for error. Plus, the time taken to make calculations and assumptions is also reduced.
  • All the team members can align their operations in one place with the software. This helps your business improve management issues. Often emerging businesses find it hard to deal with management issues. But with the help of the software execution of tasks gets smoother.
  • The growth of new businesses depends on consistency. When you get consistent projects to work on, then rapid growth is certain. With the help of electrical estimating software, you can bid consistently. You don’t have to make new estimates every time you need to bid.
  • Your business’s reputation improves with better submission of proposals and quotes. This way, the software will help you get better clients that offer big money.


Rapid development is the goal of all new businesses. But the process of getting to the top is not easy. Consistent execution of the projects with impeccable delivery is necessary. You can ease up these processes with electrical automation software. If you are planning to add estimating software to your business, then contact Quick Devis. Get the best-estimating software for your business and ace electrical estimation right away.