Reports Generator

Provide customizable printouts and Excel outputs.
QDV comes with a powerful tool which can generate a variety of presentation formats using MS Word, Excel and PDF outputs from customizable templates. It supports images, names, formulas and if necessary it can be extended to include macros. This tool is flexible, easy-to-use and allows you to create reports in minutes.
Reports generator

Easily provide customizable printouts and Excel outputs.
Business Intelligence Tools

Business Intelligence Tools

Comes with a cutting-edge Business Intelligence tool which lets you build almost any sort of BI report.
QDV Ultimate Edition comes with a cutting-edge Business Intelligence tool which lets you build almost any sort of BI report including:
Once report is build, for the end-user, displaying a report, it’s just a few clicks away. It supports merging of data-sources, allowing comparison of data on any axis.
It enables in-report controls. E.g.: Provide Start Date and End Date and immediately get a report taking into account the selected period.
Numerous charts
Hierarchical reports
Complex pivot-tables
Comparison of versions
Comparison of estimates
Calendar based reports
And much more…
IDIQ Contracts

QDV is the best tool to quote and manage IDIQ contracts.
In the estimating phase
It allows simultaneous study of different scenarios and optimization of margins by lowering the unit prices of items whose quantities are overestimated and by increasing the unit prices of items whose quantities are underestimated.
When contracting
QDV automatically generates the databases that will be used in the contract. It creates the contractual base (hosting contractual prices) but also the databases of costs in order to easily calculate margin throughout the duration of the contract.
In the execution phase
It allows effortlessly to quote in both contractual price and cost by simply dragging contractual items from the databases. It recreates the branches of the original tendering form from the items used.
If necessary, it is possible to manage several different contracts with a single technical database. The selection of another contract automatically adapts the presentation and the prices.
Progress is tracked using the system of versions, allowing easy progress-invoicing.
IDIQ Contracts

QDV is the best tool to quote and manage IDIQ contracts.
Follow-up, Progress invoicing

Track the progress of your work, compare it to the estimate, and manage invoicing.
Follow-up, Progress invoicing

Track the progress of your work, compare it to the estimate, and manage invoicing.
When the estimation is done, it is possible to activate the tracking mode which allows to enter the quantities applied, the costs, times, etc. and compare the actual expenditures with the forecast.
Each invoicing phase is stored to the estimate file allowing easy comparison of the evolution at any level; per WBS item, per line of detail, etc.
Invoicing can be managed directly using the report generator, which allows you to display the differences from one phase to the next. Its flexibility lets you adapt to most contractual terms without the need of macros programming.